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 [ACCEPTED FOR TRIAL] Dragontamor - Paladin - Retribution 
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Joined: February 23rd, 2015, 15:35
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Post [ACCEPTED FOR TRIAL] Dragontamor - Paladin - Retribution
General info
Character name:Dragontamor
Race, class, level, server:Dwarf - Paladin - 100 - Turalyon
Talent spec: Retribution (Have a working holy spec with decent gear and knowledge)

For how long have you been playing World of Warcraft? I've been playing on my own account for 8.5 years

Total played time: 215 days

Time played on current character in current expansion: 11d 8hrs

Guild and raid info
Previous guilds and your reason(s) for leaving them: Enough is Enough on Doomhammer. Reasons for leaving are they're a great group of guys but not dedicated enough to get real progress anymore, i'm used to a fast paced and serious raiding atmosphere not "we're wiping on this boss for 2 hours and gonna do nothing about it".

How did you hear about Frenzy? A friend who's also applying (Erme, monk tank) told me about you

Why Frenzy and why should we accept YOU? I'm a very experienced raider who knows his class + specs inside and out and like you, i'm extremely dedicated to progress.

Do you know anyone from Frenzy in-game or irl already? If yes, who and will they vouch for you? I do not currently know anyone from Frenzy.

What is your raid experience (on any character and including past experience)? I've raided for as long as i've played pretty much just at different levels, starting out casually going MC with troll friends etc. Started raiding seriously towards the end of TBC and stuck with it till Cataclysm hit, at this point i was raiding with #6 in the world guild and had been for about 6 months. Heroic Ragnaros was released and the same week we killed him so i quit the game after that.

What do you expect from raiding in Frenzy? A similar atmosphere than what i'm used to where progression is the focus and continuous fuck ups aren't laughed at / shrugged off and mutual respect between raiders.

Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it during raids? I do have a microphone but it's shockingly bad, It has a microphone on the outside aswell on the inside of the mic stick so all background noise is picked up, working on getting a new one and then I will talk during raids.

Can you attend all of our raid times listed in the rules? How often do you expect to miss a raid? (note we have an 80% attendance requirement and do track raider attendance) I will attend every day almost all the time unless ofc something comes up.

How much do you play outside of raiding times? A fair amount not excessively though unless i have something to do or test or whatever.

How would you describe yourself as a raider? Alert. Even while in Ret spec I use all my defensive + helpful cds as much as needed without prompt (unless you would like it on prompt) including freedoms hops sacs etc

What addons do you use to improve your raiding performance? All the basics, DBM Omen Spell Flash GTFO Dominoes bar mod and a plethora of macros.

Please supply a link to the armory with your raiding gear equipped: ... mor/simple
on this link my talent Divine Purpose was for a specific fight and isn't my usual build.

Please supply combat logs of some of your previous kills: ... e&source=5

Real life info
Name: Dominic (Dom)
Age: 21
Location: UK
Info about you and what you do when not playing WoW: I'm a nerd so i play more video games! Mostly with friends or trying to climb ladder on hots lol

You're free to add extra information if you feel like it!

If you have any issues with my application please allow me to rectify them.

February 23rd, 2015, 16:16
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Post Re: Dragontamor - Paladin - Retribution
Hi there Dragontamor.

Thanks for the app, we'll get back soon!


February 23rd, 2015, 16:55

Joined: February 23rd, 2015, 15:35
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Post Re: Dragontamor - Paladin - Retribution
I'll look forward to it!

February 23rd, 2015, 17:07
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Post Re: Dragontamor - Paladin - Retribution
Hello Dragontamor,

I've added you on BattleTag - please get a hold of me when you're online (if you haven't got my request, then add Woodgnome#2314).

Guild Master of Frenzy

February 23rd, 2015, 21:35

Joined: February 23rd, 2015, 15:35
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Post Re: [PENDING] Dragontamor - Paladin - Retribution
Following a conversation with Kregan (Woodgnome) I have been advised of something I was already aware of. That my performance on my trial raid could have been improved by a fair amount and i'd like to share what I think I did wrong and where I failed to put in the performance I am very much capable of.

Nerves is clearly the easy answer here, to start with I noobed out and thought raid time was an hour earlier than it was which put me in a bit of a state to begin with as well as the pleasant officer team of Enough is Enough giving me a lovely time in whispers this took its toll and won't be a factor if i'm given another opportunity to prove myself. I was not prepared for the raid as I thought I had planned to be.

My performance after the first 20 minutes of floundering around wasn't up to standards not only of your guild but for myself and I think that's down to a few things. My experience with heroic BRF isn't quite what it should be this late after release as some of your raiders because I've mostly had to rely on PuGs since the friend base I had some years ago isn't there anymore. I am more than aware of all the tactics and have fought every boss just lacking some confidence on some bosses because of this and this combined with nerves & over thinking everything lead to inconsistent rotations, allow me to be more specific.

My standard rotation (With the standard Sanctified Wrath ES FV build) is *After initial burst rotation) CS>Exo>Judge>FV (Some prefer judge>exo but with my current stat setup exo is provides better DPS output) depending on procs. Based on the spell count I saw from the logs that night I used exo 33% less than my last full raid with my guild which tells me that my rotation was inconsistent and I don't know for how large a portion of the night this was the case. There are other factors to consider for my low DPS such as over thinking boss mechanics so I don't look stupid dying to dumb shit like a scrub and I ended up underperforming anyway.

I cannot promise a miraculous 10k DPS increase from my trial raid but I can promise a definitive increase if i'm trialled again, I regret not being more prepared that night and grill myself about the mistakes I made more than I care to admit. Certainly the nonsense deaths.

Regards, Dragontam(e)or.

February 27th, 2015, 22:20
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Post Re: [PENDING] Dragontamor - Paladin - Retribution
Hi there. I am no ret paladin but am a paladin nontheless.
After looking around on some forums (eg. mmo ret paladin discussion)I'm not sure I agree with this:
Dragontamor wrote:
CS>Exo>Judge>FV (Some prefer judge>exo but with my current stat setup exo is provides better DPS output)
Looking at your logs Exorcism does more average damage, but we are talking around 1k more - not a significant amount. Judgement has a shorter CD than Exorcism so if you delay judgment over Exorcism you waste more DPS than the other way around when they do ~equal damage.

If we talk about a delay of around 1 second - you only have to delay Judgment 6 times (~6 second CD) to miss 1 judgement in contrary to Exorcism where you have to delay it 14 times (~14 second CD).

Any thoughts?


February 27th, 2015, 22:58

Joined: February 23rd, 2015, 15:35
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Post Re: [PENDING] Dragontamor - Paladin - Retribution
My actual rotation is of course CS>judge>exo>FV what I meant was i favor exo over judge if they're both off cooldown during high haste phases of fights when it matters, because during hero and wings burst my rotation is HoJ>CS>HoJ>FV>Exo(If proc)>CS>FV. Rather than HoJ>CS>HoJ>FV>HoJ>CS>HoJ like a lot of advanced guides suggest to ignore the exo procs but I find that to be inefficient DPS wise. Sorry if I didn't explain myself properly.

February 28th, 2015, 0:12
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Joined: May 27th, 2011, 15:18
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Post Re: [ACCEPTED FOR TRIAL] Dragontamor - Paladin - Retribution
Hello Dragontamor,

We'd like to offer you a trial spot, so get a hold of an officer for a guild invite!

Guild Master of Frenzy

March 6th, 2015, 1:44

Joined: February 23rd, 2015, 15:35
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Post Re: [ACCEPTED FOR TRIAL] Dragontamor - Paladin - Retribution
Oh, did not expect that! I'm actually away for this weekend on a road trip to celebrate my father's birthday. I will do that as soon as i'm home.

March 6th, 2015, 22:32

Joined: February 23rd, 2015, 15:35
Posts: 6
Post Re: [ACCEPTED FOR TRIAL] Dragontamor - Paladin - Retribution
Sorry I replied in a rush before. Thank you for the trial spot! I'm eager to continue to improve and raid with you guys. I don't think i'll make sunday's raid may be an hour or 2 late. Apologies about that this celebration was all planned kind of last minute.

March 7th, 2015, 5:15
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